About Anastasiya

Anastasiya is a 3 year old European girl who has Down Syndrome. I sponsored her this past Christmas through the Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree ministry. I started this blog to help find her a family. Now that she has a wonderful family committed to her (no, it is not me), I am keeping this blog up to encourage people to donate to help her family bring her home.

To help Anastasiya's family bring her home, please visit http://reecesrainbow.org/anastasiya-for-the-lynch-family

Meet Anastasiya's forever family! Visit their blog here

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Anastasiya Has a Family! Let's Help Them Bring Her Home

Guess who found a family?

If you are reading this blog, you know that I have been trying to raise awareness for Anastasiya, a little girl with Down Syndrome who needed a family. I prayed specifically for a Christian family for her--and the Lord has answered that prayer! She will have a wonderful family including a brother and two sisters! The sister closest in age to her also has Down Syndrome.

Just because she has a family, does not mean this blog is ending. Anastasiya's journey home has just begun. Let me explain what I have in mind.

Many families commit to children through Reece's Rainbow. There is a family sponsorship page there where you can read about the families who are bringing these little ones home. You can also donate there to help fund their adoption. The sad thing is that sometimes a family will commit to a child and be unable to complete the adoption due to lack of funds, etc. After praying for this little girl to have a family, and seeing the Lord choose an absolutely perfect family for her, I would like to do something to enable them to bring her home.

October is the 31 for 21 blog challenge. Down Syndrome is also known as Trisomy 21 people with Down Syndrome have an extra 21st chromosome. I will be participating in this here on Anastasiya's blog. I will put some different posts up about Down Syndrome--introduce you to a few new friends who could use your prayers--and hopefully raise some money for Anastasiya in the process.

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Here is how you can help. Could you post about my project on your blog--and let me know you did so? Getting the word out is the easiest and most effective way to help. The other way you can help is to make a donation to Anastasiya's family sponsorship page. Go to www.reecesrainbow.com, click on sponsorship, committed families, and then homestudy in progress. Anastasiya's picture is a few families down. Any donation will help this precious girl come home to her forever family. Do not forget to follow Anastasiya's blog as well.

I had hoped to do some fundraising earlier--but that never panned out. However, now would be the perfect time for that. If anybody has any suggestions, please let me know! I am not sure how to set up a fundraiser or chip in on the blog--but if I could get that figured out--I just want to see this family bring her home--and would like to use this blog to help with that.